Location Information

  • Italian Community Center
  • 631 E Chicago St, Milwaukee, WI, 53202 US


sySTEMnow Conference Agenda

7:30 AM - 8:30 AMCheck-In

Conference Check-In, Light Refreshments, and Networking

8:30 AM - 9:15 AMGeneral Session

Welcome Remarks
Morning Keynote featuring Ted Wells, President of STEMconnector

9:25 AM - 10:15 AMBreakout Sessions - Round 1

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

10:35 AM - 11:25 AMBreakout Sessions - Round 2

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

11:45 AM - 1:30 PMGeneral Session

Lunch Service
Stemmy Awards
Afternoon Keynote featuring Captain Barrington Irving, Founder and CEO of Flying Classrooms

1:40 PM - 2:30 PMBreakout Session - Round 3

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

2:30 PM - 4:30 PMOptional Reception

Continue Your Conversations and Network After the Conference

Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Captain Barrington Irving Founder & CEO, Flying Classrooms

Empowering Tomorrow: Captain Barrington Irving's Journey from World-Record Aviation to Transformative STEM+ Education

Guinness world-record-setting and National Geographic Explorer Captain Barrington Irving will elevate the conversation around STEM+education and describe how to take an innovative approach through technology and creativity.

Ted Wells President, STEMconnector

Ted Wells, president of STEMconnector, is committed to supporting industry engagement in STEM education and workforce development. Providing a national perspective on the STEM education and talent landscape, Ted will share the latest technology, education methodologies, STEM trends, and what's coming next for critical stakeholders.

The Excellence in STEM Awards, also known as The Stemmys, will be presented at the sySTEMnow conference. The Stemmy Awards were established in 2005 to recognize educational institutions, businesses, organizations, and individuals who promote STEM awareness and improve students' STEM competency. The four categories are Education, Individual, Employer, and Partnership. Stay tuned for the announcement of these amazing STEM trailblazers.

Generation STEM (Gen STEM) is a K-12 student display that enables Southeastern Wisconsin area schools and organizations to showcase their students’ amazing STEM projects. It is always a favorite part of the conference for attendees to interact with local youth as they share their STEM projects from 9:00 AM 12:00 PM. 

There may still be opportunity to showcase your students' work! Please complete the application or contact Theresa Wolf at [email protected] to express interest.

Gen STEM Application 

Breakout Sessions

Breakout Speakers

K-12/Business Partnerships - Unleashing Your Partnership Potential Round 1

Erin Kerney, MPS and Featured Business Partners


Participants will learn how to scale and strengthen various partnerships as well as recruit students to their businesses.

Building STEM Identities - Leveraging Students' Interests & Strengths Round 1

Featuring Mary Mooney, Leigh Kohlmann, and Kevin Anderson Wisconsin DPI


Audience members will consider how modeling can support high quality, standards-aligned teaching and learning while providing students opportunities to make connections to themselves and the world around them.

Healing Math Trauma: A Better Math Experience for Teachers, Students & Families Round 1

Featuring Speakers from UWM & Golda Meir


Participants will have the chance to experience open math activities that invite exploration.

Leveraging Career Pathways for STEM-Centered, Career-Based Learning Experience and Work-Based Learning Opportunities for Students & Employers Round 2

Beth Kaminski, Pathways


Attendees will talk away with a better understanding of which career pathways align to STEM and how they can leverage those pathways to

1. Expose students to stem-centered career-based learning experiences and work-based learning opportunities.

2. Engage STEM-centered employers to participate in partnerships with schools related to career-based learning experiences and work-based learning opportunities.

Experiential Learning through Engineers Without Borders Round 2

Marissa Jablonski and Engineers Without Borders members


Audience members will consider how modeling can support high-quality, standards-aligned teaching and learning while providing students with opportunities to connect with themselves and the world around them.

Soaring in STEM - A Woman's Perspective Round 2

Panel from members of the Society of Women Engineers: Heidi Balestrieri, Director of Engineering, Sentry Equipment; Maureen Duthie, Lead Materials Engineer, Clarios; Natalie Gamez, Product Engineer, STRATTEC


SWE members provide strategies to support and encourage females to consider STEM roles (pre-college). Insights on supporting females in STEM roles as they soar in the workplace.

Soaring Beyond Boundaries - How VR/AR/AI Is Impacting The Future of STEM + Education and Training Round 3

David Scurlock, In Your Face Learning

Chris Willey, Islands of Brilliance


Audience will understand how Immersive Technology (VR/AR) is being used in STEM education and the measurable impact and learning gain that occurs.

Experiential Learning in Higher Education: Partnerships and Practices for Impact Round 3

Panel Featuring Ben Trager, Andrea Ventola, Natalie Villegas, Kim Bohat and Eddie Godina


Session participants will understand how experiential learning is implemented at UW-Milwaukee, Marquette University, and Milwaukee School of Engineering. Session participants will also explore future partnerships and project possibilities as means to expand the reach of this work.

Developing Essential Mindsets and Skillsets to Lead Innovation Round 3

Kate Trevey, Marquette University


Participants will:

1. Learn essential mindsets and skillsets necessary to lead innovation

2. Learn a proven framework for intentionally developing the mindsets and skillsets for innovation that can be used with students, employees, and even yourself.

Follow-Up with Ted Wells Round 1

Connect further with our morning keynote speaker following our general session.

Follow-Up with Barrington Irving Round 3

Connect further with our afternoon keynote speaker following our general session.

Sponsor the sySTEMnow Conference

The sySTEMnow conference is not possible without your support. Please consider one of our 2024 sponsorship options. Learn more about our sponsorship packages on the sySTEMnow website.

  • Includes 12 Conference Registrations and premier placement for recognition throughout the event.

  • Includes 10 Conference Registrations and top placement for recognition in the afternoon general session and Stemmy Presentations.

  • Includes 10 Conference Registrations and top placement for recognition in the Generation STEM space.

  • Includes 10 Conference Registrations and top placement for recognition at the reception.

  • Includes 8 Conference Registrations.

  • Includes 8 Conference Registrations.

  • Includes 6 Conference Registrations.

  • Includes 4 Conference Registrations.

Conference Registration

Sponsor / Registrant Info


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